Kobe is no more; it is nearly five months since he left us. I have refrained from writing about it, but he is very much a part of our lives still and in our hearts. He was with us for over 12 years and he was a unique dog in his own right. He had a great attitude and over the years he had his set of health challenges but within those constraints continued to be his positive self with a great vibe for life.
Dogs are more than family especially Kobe to us. In a way, Kobe was dependent on us for all his needs and I am sure would not have lasted one day on his own outside of the house. I heard a tale of two lost dogs who were found dead within days run over by a car and a train. However, despite that dependence, we had a co-dependent relationship with him, we were dependent on him as much as he was on us.
He continues in our memories and in our hearts and on this 143rd day from his departure, I can only say “I love you, Kobe!” - there might be other dogs in our lives in the future, but only one and only Kobe.