It was 8:05 PM. And my dog got up. Wanted to go out once finally before he went upstairs to sleep. Like clockwork. And he was back to his exact nightly routine at 8:05 PM. His routine had been disturbed for a week when he struggled with his routine and was confused due to the change in daylight hours last Sunday. Prior to that, his routine was at the old-time of 8:05 PM. So he took about a week to adjust his body clock.
And as a human, I am still struggling with my change. Thankfully, the US Senate passed last week a bill to remove the daylight savings changes from November 2023 onwards. This does have to pass in the house, and hopefully, that will happen. Canadian provinces have already passed laws to change this once this change happens in our Southern neighbor. So had 30 US states, but to no avail federally there.
So, we wait… while this has happened in Europe already this year. And we eagerly await…