A few days ago we were having an ice-breaker discussion and things turned what zodiac sign each one of us was. To be honest, I wasn’t aware as I did not believe in the Zodiac and was forced to look at what I was classified as. And it went for a fun conversation.
I ended up being a mid-point boundary between the Aquarius and Pisces cusp. What one calls the liminal zone ruled by Uranus and Neptune two fringe planets in the solar system. I guess they are too far away to influence me properly.
While searching for my Zodiac sign I came across pictures of the symbols for Aquarius and Pisces - the second was obviously “fish” and the first one was “pouring water from a jug” - and then it occurred to me metaphorically who I was - “A Fish out of Water” - signified exactly how I feel (most of the time)
PS: Later on I found that there is a children’s book called “A Fish out of Water” (1961) written by Helen Marion Palmer, wife of the one and only Theodor Seuss Geisel, aka Dr. Seuss. And Dr. Suess had graciously given permission to his wife to rewrite his original book “Gustav, the Goldfish” (1950). And ended up the evening reading about this story. Good stuff.