Daily musings #583 - Saturday, 27 August 2022
I read a quote today which said:
Two things define you: ‘Your patience when you have nothing, and your attitude when you have everything.’ — (Unknown)
Now, why do I get a feeling that these kinds of quotes just seem made up? In fact, many of the quotes that are even attributed to someone specific seem to be made up. We now need a fake quote validator like a fake news validators.
Think about the above quote. What value does it have? At first glance, it seems to say something. But what again is it saying? It says to be patient. Now patience by itself is an attitude. When you have nothing, is patience alone enough? What is the attitude when you have everything? What is everything? When does anyone have everything?
It would have been easier and more valuable to say… wherever you are in life…
Attitude is everything, and how you act with it.
Without action, the attitude has limited value.