Yesterday, I wrote that the future was for the “creative”. And I left an open-ended question on what 2030 will look like. I got some new perspectives today that sort of answered that question. I watched the Netflix documentary “Capital in the 21st Century” based on a book of the same name by French economist Thomas Piketty. It was very illuminating on the deployment of capital from the 1200s to today. And what it holds for the future of society.
In a nutshell,
The rich are going to get richer
The future is dystopian for the middle and lower-income classes
Working as just a working class is going to take you no where in particular
The stock market is a rigged game and you will mostly not beat it or retire from it
You might not be able to find the next Google, Facebook, Apple, Amazon, or Netflix
Capital appreciation is the best way to go with property prices providing 4-5% returns for the last 300+ years when the capital markets have grown at 1.5-2%
Capital and infrastructure is now being built and growth in developing countries - India and China would be the best bet
With leaves me with a simple answer to the question I raised yesterday. I can’t overcome the dystopia, it is beyond me. So, now that one knows that the future is dystopian, we need to use our “creativity” to leverage capital to ride the capital building boom.
The million-dollar question is, would I? Or, would you? Or, would we?