Another year has come and gone. And I am not a big fan of keeping count of these as I wrote about it last year.
How am I feeling now? In my long years of life certainly, the last 365 days could be called the most tumultuous. Every year has its ups and downs. But this one takes the cake, metaphorically for sure. On a related note, I decided I would not have cake this year for my celebrations but then again, I shall explain about it tomorrow.
When you look back at the years of your life, you remember only the big things. And this year had big things to remember it by. A quadruple bypass was something that someone does not forget or even ever take out of one’s mind to the point of ignoring.
It is up there with the events like falling in love, getting married, having each one of my two beautiful daughters, starting a business, closing the business when time had moved on, leaving to America for the first time, moving to Singapore, moving to Canada and putting on the years there, reengineering my career to become a coach. The rest are little blips along the way. No great shakes. Itsy, bitsy things that life throws at you.
On the bright side, I started a new job and enjoying it so far. Confident enough to say that I would be there until I am kicked out or make myself count - as I am certainly not in it for just the money. The change game I play needs a playground, a real canvas to paint on and experiment and this I have.
So, did I get everything I wanted in life? Perhaps not. But want is a perception with no meaning. It is illusionary. Made up. So ignoring those, life has been great. I would not have it any other way than it played out warts and all.
And to every one of those special people around me in my life, including you, reading this… thank you. You have made my life count and worthwhile.