Change is all around us. And we all change and evolve. But sometimes change seems to be change's sake. And especially in the large organizations, I work with, change happens without real underlying change sometimes. The change in values, principles and true behaviours.
So, when I read Leandro’s daily email message yesterday, I was super pumped with his message “Find what not to change” and I consider this an excellent idea. We need to be true to the core of who we are. And some of those values don’t and should not have to change. And the basic associated behaviours that exhibit these values and principles can therefore be constant and need not change.
Yes, until we understand this in our lives, we should and need to continue evolving. But, there comes a time when these beliefs have been evolved to a point that there is limited scope to evolving them further. At some point, one finds the balance between the left-brain and right-brain approaches. The balance between the cognitive and the abstract. The act of living and letting live. Being human.
So find those best values and principles that will help you coast this lifetime. And perhaps make it count. Empathy. Humane-ness. Acceptance. Kindness. Limiting one’s ego. Altruism. Hang on to them. Keep them. Stay true to them. And then, don’t ever change them.
The Disruption Religion misses the point: what will not change, and how we can capitalise on it -