A recent research study made an interesting finding that Brain surgeons and rocket scientists are no smarter than the rest of us. That is something good to keep in mind. We all have our talents and smarts. And these are not exhibited in all contexts.
The trick is to find the situations and things that we can excel in. And to do that, we need to try a variety of new things. And as you try these on, a few will stick. You might find flow one day with one of them.
I have written about Howard Gardner and his theory of multiple intelligences before. Our smarts are a combination of things we learn, our attitude, situations to apply them, practice, and perhaps a large dollop of chance.
But never ever short-sell or put down yourself. Keep trying different things, and practice things that you like, and use your smartness in whatever you do. And something will click one day. We are all cognitively capable in different ways. Enable your genius to become an enabled genius. We are all genii.
Brain surgeons and rocket scientists are no smarter than the rest of us: study — https://www.cbc.ca/radio/asithappens/as-it-happens-the-wednesday-edition-1.6287165/brain-surgeons-and-rocket-scientists-are-no-smarter-than-the-rest-of-us-study-1.6287174