There are different types of dreams. The ones when you sleep are mostly driven by your subconscious. I mostly don’t dream when I sleep. Rarely do I remember them, and often very abstractly in a vary faded way. Perhaps it is a good thing.
Then there are dreams where one dreams up goals. But these are of a different kind - actually goals or plans. And whatever the sustained dreaming may achieve is that it might trigger action that might drive some forward momentum to these goals. Without action, these goals are just that. Dreams. Imagination and nothing more. And at best might set a direction in which to pursue life…
Even with constant action, most dreams might not lead to success. Like many a startup that fails and a few that succeed, most dreams die a slow death. Death from just dreaming. Death from a dearth of action. And dreams that die in spite of action. A few might succeed. Perhaps, the dreams do help with sustaining the practice of some repetitive action and make such action less painful. And make things a habit.
Then there is daydreaming. Perhaps a forced illusion that is created when awake, from an imagined reality. But imagination without action leads to no results except the escape from the reality that one does not want to face.
What type of dreams do you dream? Dream on.