Today is Sunday and. we got up later than usual. Our dog Kobe sat up at 7:15 AM and wanted to go downstairs perhaps to go out to pee. And he works on his body clock. I often transcribe his looks and asks into words on his behalf adding “Kobe says:” to it.
Over the ten years, each of us in the family has adapted to understanding Kobe’s needs through interpreting his looks, movements, action, subtle body indications, and so forth. And Kobe has also learned to talk to us through a variety of means to convey what he wants. In fact, looking at it deeply, I would even say that he has adapted (to us) more than we adapting to him. And that is true animal intelligence in action.
So, the conversation went like this, this morning.
Kobe says: It’s time to get up mommy. I need to go pee.
Mommy: It’s my Sunday Kobe. I want to be in bed a little while longer.
Kobe says: But Mommy. What is Sunday? In my world every day is today. And every moment is now. Can we go out now?
In the human world, we make up rules, structures, and beliefs; and afterward, these beliefs, structures, and rules make us. We get stuck in them and use them as excuses not to change our patterns. If our week was 5 days, then we would work differently. Why does one need a week or a weekend, or an 8 hour workday for that matter?
Every day is today and every moment is now.