We exercised our votes today as a family. And that is the best one can do in a democracy, which is a viable option for us here in Canada, for the availability of anything better yet. These are the provincial elections at the Ontario state level.
We voted in the early voting booths that have been set up for that purpose, wanting to avoid the election day crowds and lineups. Especially so this year in these pandemic times. The polling booths were practically empty and it was breezy in and out in a few minutes. A scanner scans your results and stores them electronically immediately. So, our votes get digitally counted to be tallied up on election night.
The incumbent party and the current Trump-like antics-driven Conservatives Premier are expected to win and make a comeback. And that too my a large margin. But that does not and should not faze anyone from exercising their choice, which is a voice that enables us to say what we want to say. And so we did, even though the candidate or party that we voted for might not win.
Every little voice counts for something and in time will create an impact even if it does not count today. Otherwise, democracy will end up demo-crazy. And we are proud to do our bit. Today.