Daily musings #603- Friday, 16 September 2022
Yesterday couple of people talked to me about the “someone” that I talked about. I wanted to expand on that today.
To recap part of the Seth Godin quote I used yesterday:
Someone cares. That happens all the time, and it’s at the heart of our work.
Someone is enough. In fact, someone is the entire point.
There are several “someone’s” in our lives. In fact, these someones are actually often in the plural. Individuals and as well as people in groups.
Someone = people who matter.
Someone = people who care about your work and what you do.
Someone = people who care about who you are.
Someone = people who are willing to listen to you.
Someone = people who accept you as you are.
Someone = people who appreciate you.
These are the “someone’s”. Once you define it this way, then there is a lot of “someone’s” in one’s life.
People I closely relate to - my spouse, my family
People I work with - closely day to day, those who put up with me.
People on social networks - the one’s that converse with you and acknowledge you and care for you
People who use your work - if you are an artist of any kind, the ones who share it, spread it, use it, and enjoy it are you “someone’s”. And we are all artists in one thing or another.
People who teach and mentor you - the someone’s who care enough to share their stories with you.
Now, go look around you. You will find a lot of your someone’s everywhere. Find them now, engage with them, and create for them. And ignore the others. That is the entire point as Seth says above. And the heart of your work and who you are.