It has been five hundred days of continual writing something each day uninterrupted. While at it I have articulated a little bit of myself as an online journal. Shared my thinking and my beliefs, whether you agree with me or not, whether you accept me or not.
There were days I was unmotivated to write, yet I persist. Because it has been valuable to me. Help structures my deep thinking. Help me question myself on my goals on who and what I want to be. And am. So thank you for staying on the journey with me.
Over the last few weeks, I have been thinking about breaking free of my bubble to articulate my thinking on the work I do. It was first called “So much Agile, so little Agility” and then I changed it to “The Validate Mindset” just today. The initial title seemed too judgemental. And cynical, and negative. The initial two articles I wrote earlier are here and here. But I was unconvinced about my path forward, so went back to my drawing board with this change. Now I think I am ready to move forward with more.
What I am trying to do is find answers to move the impossible mountain of change in the world of organizations. My goal is to help people change for the better at work. Systems to evolve in supporting the human potential and genii. And do it even though most of them don’t want the change. Not the senior management who would love to have the outcomes but not the hard work or the associated deep thinking. Not the middle management who are entrenched in keeping themselves entrenched. And not the doers because most change is not about them when it needs to be about them - making their lives better, removing their unwanted and unnecessary pain and misery that they go through so that they can have a better and more valuable day at work. And help deliver more realizable value with the least amount of stress and smarter effort.
So, I am going to do the same thing I did here with my new blog. Persist. Write often enough. Stay and be an outlier. Fine-tune the value. Get feedback on whether it is useful. But mostly ignore the noise, except for the critical perspectives. The difference between it and my personal blog is that I plan to market it. Support it with a podcast and a YouTube channel. And my belief is that if I do it for a year or two something magical might evolve from it. Or not. And if not, the trying alone might be the value.
The last 500 days of writing have helped me with my thinking and hopefully, help formulate ideas to crack the problem. Or at least do this focused experiment to try doing that. And yes it is highly probable that I will fail as what I want to try is statistically in the impossible and implausible space. But hey, that is what makes this journey fun.