Nature never ceases to amaze me. And what is specifically intriguing is the variety of patterns of its growth cycles.
With the seasons the trees and the plants go to sleep or into preservation or survival mode. But come to the spring things change. They wake up at a rapid pace with a vengeance to grow back to the previous glory days of the yesteryears and then some.
Our Canadian maple grows about 3-5 feet a year. One can see its growth spurts every few weeks.
But it is a strange story with the resilient grass that grows in our backyard. On some cloudy and less rainy days, they seem dormant. On some extremely rainy days, they seem bowed down. Then they grow like crazy for the next day or two when the brilliant sun is out, processing the energy and the soaking water from the ground into creating new cells and growth.
A couple of inches in the growth of the grass literally jumps up each day in the blink of an eye. I could see the change from mornings to the evenings. I then mow them down and with their self-created mulch from the cut grass, the cycle starts all over again within the next few days. For best results, just add a lot of sun and water.