It’s three weeks since my surgery. From a milestone point, the wounds are supposed to heal in about six weeks so also the fusing of my sternum. So, it is kind of a halfway point to these supposed milestones.
As I have written before, the salvation to both the performance of my heart and the healing of my wounds and my hematoma is through walking. So, I have been working on my walking. I join the dog walk twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening. Often, the dog walks faster than me but I play catch up.
Today is the first time in a long time, I am thinking perhaps since November last, that I expect to touch 5,000 steps in a day. Just last October I was averaging between 12,000 to 14,000 steps a day. Of course, steps by themselves are only one part of the activity and movement. I have had significantly much less movement counted in steps but compensated by the time on the elliptical or rower both of which don’t get counted as many steps due to the type of movement. So steps alone are not a good qualifier. The need of the hour is balance, balancing all the health activities that help one in staying healthy.
The focus still is on rebooting my health and have been struggling to do much else. But, I am guessing that as the energy returns that will be what’s next…