This is the second of the COVID-infused Halloween. Last year, we canceled it outright. No, we could not cancel Halloween, but we did not participate in it, since we felt it was the right thing to do considering the circumstances. We as a family wanted to do our bit to save a few lives if possible by not helping the virus propagate itself.
This year, we are limping back. The usual crowd of kids to collect candy was down and that is understandable given the circumstances. Here in our home province of Ontario vaccination coverages are high. In the age group of around 12+, the first vaccine dose stands at around 89%, and those who have received two doses at nearly 85%. Coupled with the mask use, this Halloween was bound to have some children go out. And so, we participated appropriately. By distributing candy in pre-packaged goody bags so that we still maintain the social distancing norms.
This Halloween is an indicator that things are slowly recovering and it is good to see the direction in which we are evolving towards, a better tomorrow. Or perhaps it is a calm before other storms - like a stock market crash or a virus variant revival, or something else that we aren’t even expecting. Fingers crossed and soldiering on.