My team at work got together today for an afternoon of food and games. The activity was varied and irrelevant, but the most important part is that we made connections in these COVID times. And what a difference these make.
The world of work has changed and especially in the knowledge work that we are in most of the work is going to continue more remotely than ever before. But remote teams and groups don’t make for ideal connections. The based “hybrid” work models are going to learn to a lot of burnout and fizzle if sufficient effort is not going to be done to maintain the human connection and sanity.
We as a race are not designed to sit in boxes (and now in virtual boxes) and interrelate with electronic devices like cyborgs all day long. And the earlier and more proactively this is realized and organizations that design work structures that enable human connections in a better way are going to be competitive forces of tomorrow.
Irrespective of that future, we had fun as a group, we engaged, we parlayed, we spoke on nothingness and trivialities, we shared stories and narratives and we were ourselves. Nothing can beat this bond of social and human connection. Nothing.