Yesterday was 60 years of “I Have a Dream” by MLK. Another powerful movement of change inspired and influenced by a key personality. Over history, there have been many such people. MLK, Gandhi, Mandela, and Gorbachev amongst others.
But if you look deeply, none of these people knew what magnitude of change they could achieve while they were attempting to inspire people and influence change. There was no evidence that they would create change like they ended up doing, while they were trying to do it. But yet they persisted, with hopes and dreams of creating a better tomorrow.
And as much as we know the heroes of change, there are hundreds if not thousands of unsung heroes who were influential and did great work that was never recognized or did not achieve the change they hoped it would.
So, if you believe in change for the good… keep at the inspiring and the influencing by doing your bit. It might turn into a torrent of sustaining change.