It is July 1st and it is Canada day today. Canada is turning 145 years depending on how one counts. And for us as a family, it is our 18th Canada day here. And it is more than a quarter-century since leaving India.
Canada has been good to us though there are pluses and minuses. Being a first-generation immigrant, the physical distance from India and our family roots is indeed hard, amplified by the pandemic-induced travel reductions over the last 3 years.
Interestingly the intrinsic values test that I did yesterday showed my values aligned more with the Swedes than anyone else. I was at the high-end percentiles of both self-expression and being secular-rational.
I love the fact that I am more in the company of the Europeans - especially the protestant patterns - I am guessing there is some rebel thinking going on there a bit - always questioning the status quo. Sweden is uniquely on its own with its set of values in the top right corner of the chart below on the Inglehart-Welzel scale. Though one value is not superior to another and values are based on local contexts and practices to a great extent. We are indeed molded extensively by the environments we are exposed to.
The Clearer Thinking (dot) Org - The intrinisic values test