I have been using a 50 MBit DSL internet connection for the last 10+ years. Recently, the service quality was flaky and it has been a struggle to accommodate four people who work from home and with the oldies at home always on their Roku streaming something.
So, I bit the bullet and decided to try my only other alternative provider - 1 GBps of fiber internet. At least what said was up to 1 Gbit, because unlike DSL cable is a shared network so bandwidth ebbs and flows depending on users. One might get a great bandwidth at 1 AM in the morning - great for night owls playing games but otherwise superfluous to users like me.
And now I have two internet connections at home. And the second one is as flaky. I tried some speed tests and yesterday had a decent bandwidth of between 250-300 Mbps speeds. This morning I could get only 25 Mbps. Of course, I am going to reach out to the provider to figure things out.
But, it seems like we are stuck between a rock and a hard place. It is nearly 2022 people. And my internet seems like what it was back in the early 2000s. For double to triple the prices. They say technology should make life easier, but this takes the cake. Perhaps next I need to bridge two (or even more) internet connections to a Wifi network so I can have bandwidth, reliability, and availability to the standards I want. But I guess that the QoS (Quality of Service) management has fallen on my shoulder. What strange times?