We all value different things. And our actions and end behaviors are in a way defined by what we value. Not that we think of our values before we decide, these happen organically. That is why our values are intrinsic and deeply embedded in us and in the perspectives that we exhibit.
I did a Clear Thinking intrinsic values test today. And of the top 100, I was asked to evaluate my top 29 and from that, I was asked to further narrow down my top 7 as the most important. And here is what they were…
1. That I maintain my humility and don't become too prideful or boastful
2. That I have agency and can make choices for myself
3. That I increase my understanding of reality beyond my current understanding
4. That people are free to make any choices that they want about their body, even if others disapprove
5. That beautiful things continue to come into existence (e.g. art or music)
6. That the people I know personally do not suffer much during their lives
7. That I am grateful for what I have
It is an interesting test that gets you to think about a variety of things… so you could try it out too. I will help you perhaps know yourself better on who you are…
The Clearer Thinking (dot) Org - The intrinisic values test