Just last Sunday our coffee-maker stopped working. Not the fancy type as shown in the picture above, but that is more to get you to read it if you fell for that ruse.
It got jammed and needed some routine maintenance. Well, as I was in quarantine, I could not go down to help. My family members pulled it together with some YouTube videos, assistance from Alexa, and my help over Facetime it was figured out and brought to action in about thirty minutes. All that ends, ends well. Or is it? I did enjoy a cup of freshly brewed coffee and so did all the others at home.
This cleaning process takes only two minutes tops in the best of times. And I have been trying to share my “knowledge” over the last several years with no one pitching in to learn, leaving the maintenance to me. This is true of other things that I am guilty of not learning especially from my spouse.
In fact, the coffee machine can be pre-emptively cleaned often before the stoppage happens, so that it does not happen. But, I am not on top of it as much I would like to be. I guess the fallacy of being human means I am imperfect to a great degree.
Here is a hypothesis. It is always easier to learn when we don’t have to. But yet we don’t and this is true for a myriad of things. And once we know, we know… there is no taking it back (except for aging, diseases, and brain decline)