Someone close to me is going through a new chapter in their life. And of course when one chapter ends and another starts there are several twists and turns to the plot.
Some chapters are forced on us and some chapters are chances that we stumble upon. And some come by proactively when several factors converge.
New chapters change the storyline, introducing new plots, new characters, new dynamics, unexpected scenarios, new locations, and new backgrounds. But if you look deeply, one is able to relate back to the patterns of the past and see them repeating again and again in variations of these same things in new contexts. Just a different combination of words that eventually leads to the same-old, same-old deeply engrained patterns. Some we like, some we hate. Some we love. Some boring. And mostly many more of the same.
And the story then goes on, chapter by chapter, by chapter. In simple single volumes sometimes and in multiple sequels over several books other times.
Make the best of every chapter in what life brings to you. Don’t overthink it, and do enjoy the plot and see wherever it takes you. Adapt and survive. That’s life, isn’t it?