Limiting vs widening our perspectives...
and yet most wont, because we humans would like to live within our predictable comfort zones
A few days ago while searching for what I am trying to mean by the word “balance” I starting reading some blogs and material about Buckminster Fuller. One thing leads to another and as I was researching an interesting world map that Fuller called the Dymaxion - the whole world is one island that got split up and this was one different perspective of looking at it. If you look at the picture above where we see the world map south up, we see a completely different world than we are generally used to.
But then again, these are not the only perspectives. It all depends on how one looks at it. See the various options below which allow you to look at the world from the centers being anywhere - Los Angeles or Taipei in the top picture, North Pole or South pole in the middle picture, and Sydney (Australia) or North Korea in the third.
It is a simple point that I am trying to make here. Are you stuck with a single perspective of the world (metaphorically) or are you willing to look at your world from different perspectives? And if so, how many perspectives are you willing to look at your world from? And what utility do these perspectives give you?
And while here before you go, one final perspective…
How inappropriate to call this planet Earth when it is clearly Ocean.
— Arthur C. Clark