Today, it is day 30 of my continuous daily writing streak. Well, I still don’t believe much in keeping count, which I talked about just yesterday. I presume that the last 30 days were just a dipping my toes into the water of writing. I have 1,000’s of articles stuck in my head and it is a relief of some sort to write some of them down so that the clutter reduces and I don’t have the burden of carrying them anymore. Once I write something, it is done and I cant obviously write similar things again, except for the futile exercise of meaningless repetitiveness.
So my focus is more on what next and what I am to do in the next 30 days or to the end of February. The topic of the utility of what I create each day has been heavily on my mind all the time. Would I still be meandering around just for the relief of saying things that are stuck in my head? Or, if not, then what would I really like to say or do?
My strength is in connecting a multitude of models and creating reductionist structures from them which have the combined value of all the models so reduced. So, the singular focus of what I would like to write should be around such reductionist metamodels, that could have potential utility for a variety of change situations. These come out of 1,000’s of acquired patterns over my lifetime of learnings and experiences to create change models in support of cognitive work. So, I hope to make it my focus over the next month.