It is a big year for my dad and he made 90 today. But, in these COVID times, it was a somber soft day. A few visitors and a few phone calls. No celebrations as he likes it quiet.
Last year this time, I was planning to travel to India to be with him for this big nine-oh. But it turned out far different from it. My dad shares his birthday with Queen Elizabeth-II who turned 95 today. Even if I had received my vaccine and was able to travel, I might have been still stopped by the heart surgery that still prevents me from even thinking about traveling anywhere for a few months. Anyway, one would never know as here we are.
A funny story on my dad’s birthday was that my mother moved his birthday to 22nd April. My mother was a big believer in numerology/astrology and since both my dad and mom were born on 21st (different months), she decided that she will move my dad’s birthday to the 22nd.
Even though all my dad’s records show 21st as his birthday, she convinced the family to celebrate it on the 22nd for decades. She made up the story that my dad was born at 2 AM on the 22nd after midnight and the records were incorrect. And what my mom wants she got. And that was that.
Apparently, the sum of the day - number 3 was a better number than 4 so she wanted to retain it for herself. But I still don’t know how well things worked out for her from it though. She died of cancer two years ago. But, I do know that my mom was lucky after all - she was lucky to get my dad who ended up being a patient caregiver to her and her sickness for more than ten to fifteen years.
And on my cards is a trip to India at an opportune time this year or next, vaccine, virus, travel abilities and Dr. Murphy willing… and I am hoping my dad will wait… like he says with such confidence - “Take your time to come here… I will be around waiting for you!”