It was tempting not to write today. Being down with a bad migraine this evening, had no energy to think or write, but it was impossible to let go. And it does make you think deeply about this exhibited behavior.
Why this commitment? Why particularly for this one? If so, why not for other things?
There is really no specific reason why one is committed to a particular thing. Though one could make things up to explain the phenomenon. Perhaps the value is of the learning from this commitment to apply to other things in life. If one wants to.
But, then again, what is the reward of being committed to any particular thing?
I guess there is no particular meaning. The commitment itself is the reward.
PS: While searching for pictures for commitment, the popular ones were being committed in marriage (a cliche), to a job (sic), and at a mental institution (oops). How ironic? Especially since life is and can be much broader and deeper than these alone!