I read what Ray Dalio publishes and have been following his work for a while. Though I enjoy his perspectives, I come from the school of all models are wrong and some are useful. And most times we need a collection of models in combination and adapt them to our current context, in order to extract some value from them.
I read his quote today and though pursuing goals are important, it is important that the goals don’t become you. Ray had an interesting quote as below:
Remember that there are typically many paths to achieving your goals
- Ray Dalio.
Here is where I would add a caution to these…
And many goals along the path... sometimes you adjust the goals to solve something else along the way and that is okay too... don't be enamored and stuck with your goals and purpose. There is really isn't any that one needs to be wedded to. And sometimes walking away from one’s goal might be the right thing to do from one’s perspective.
Do things. But keep your options open. You are more than just the goals you want to pursue.