The classical trolley problem is a great philosophical and moral measure - helps one think deeply. I found this website which takes it to absurd levels to see how you decide in various circumstances.
I ended up trying the website 4 times in total. The first time I gave up halfway. Then I tried it three more times - in full. Once to validate my own morals and ethics, once to see what is the minimum amount of people who can be killed in case I try to save the maximum number of people unemotionally. And a third time to see how many people I could deliberately kill if I wanted to maximize the carnage.
Well. I figured out that you could get away with killing a minimum of 29 people if you set aside your emotions and focused on saving people’s lives. And if you are a psychopath bent on killing people you could maximize and kill up to 100. My ethics and morals were in the middle of the pack and I would have killed 49 people based on the way I picked my own answers. So, it shows I am not an emotional robot and fell in the middle of the kill curve. And perhaps as biased as any other human being in my own special ways.
Try it out yourself: