We are already in the “Age of AI” - the age of artificial intelligence. This baby is born and it is growing very rapidly in a short time. Its impacts are unfathomable. Not using our current perspectives and viewpoints anyway. Those who expect the world to be the way it is are in for a surprise. A huge surprise. And those who believe they will ride this wave into the future are also going to be in for a surprise. All bets are really off.
Over the last month, I have seen the impact of artificial intelligence grow at a phenomenal rate. And its impacts as discussed by people like Sam Altman of OpenAI and others…
Tech Leaders Say AI Will Change What It Means to Have a Job
At WSJ Tech Live, OpenAI’s Sam Altman said coming workforce changes will play out unevenly (requires WSJ subscription or alternate link at Apple News for those with Apple News Plus paid subscription)
Anyway, these raise a lot of unanswered questions, but all the same going to have an enormous impact.
Within 10 years AI will be able to “do 80% of 80% of all jobs that we know of today”
- Vinod Khosla, a tech investor and entrepreneur for more than 40 years.
I am working on my own predictions and also on my actions and responses to this change. But in the short term, I did the right thing that any self-respecting AI user would do. Ask ChatGPT 3.5 on what its engineered collective opinions are and here is the extract on what it said might happen:
If the prediction that AI will be able to "do 80% of 80% of all jobs that we know of today" within 10 years were to come true, it would have a profound impact on the job market, economy, and society as a whole. Here are some potential impacts:
1. Job Displacement: Many routine and repetitive tasks in various industries would become automated, leading to the displacement of workers in those roles. This could result in job loss for a significant portion of the workforce.
2. Skill Shift: The workforce would need to undergo a major shift in skills. People in jobs susceptible to automation would need to acquire new skills to remain employable. Skills like problem-solving, creativity, and emotional intelligence would become more valuable.
3. New Job Roles: While certain jobs may be automated, new roles related to AI development, maintenance, ethics, and governance would emerge. These roles would require specific expertise and could lead to job creation.
4. Economic Impact: The transition to a more automated workforce could have economic consequences, both positive and negative. Increased productivity and efficiency might stimulate economic growth, but job displacement could lead to income inequality and social challenges.
5. Societal Adjustments: Societal adjustments would be necessary to accommodate the changes. This might include rethinking education and training programs, social safety nets, and policies to support those affected by job displacement.
6. Ethical and Policy Considerations: As AI takes on a larger role in work, ethics and regulations related to AI use, privacy, and security would need to be established and enforced.
7. Quality of Life: Automation could lead to shorter workweeks for some, potentially allowing for a better work-life balance. On the flip side, the impact on people's sense of purpose and identity tied to work would need to be addressed.
8. Universal Basic Income: Policymakers might consider the implementation of universal basic income or similar social safety nets to ensure that people have a minimum standard of living, even if traditional jobs become scarcer.
9. Reshaped Industries: Various industries would be reshaped by automation, and business models would evolve. For example, the transportation industry could see significant changes with the advent of autonomous vehicles.
10. Global Implications: The impact of automation would be felt globally, potentially leading to changes in the global job market and international trade dynamics.
It's important to note that such a rapid and extensive transformation of the job market would pose numerous challenges and opportunities. These changes would require careful planning, innovation, and collaboration among governments, businesses, educational institutions, and workers to ensure a smooth and equitable transition. Additionally, the exact impact of AI on jobs will depend on the specific technological developments and the ability of society to adapt to these changes.
Keep pondering and do take some action while you ponder along.