I had a bad night in bed and was unable to sleep and was tossing and turning all night long. I woke up feeling tired and unfocused, and it was also extremely muggy outside with high humidity.
Splashes of cold water and the dark bitterness of the French roast coffee failed to kick me out of the gloom. And then I hit my classical motivational question - do I go for my morning walk or not? Especially since I was feeling so crappy.
Well, habits are for just that. Taking the decision-making out of the equation. You are not supposed to ask yourself questions. And thereby you are not supposed to ask yourself to make decisions. The best decisions are the ones that you don’t have to make and are pre-decided decisions that you don’t have to deviate from. And that allows us, humans, to conserve precious calories and brain-power. If these work…
Well, long and short of it, I did pull up my socks (literally), put my shoes on, and got out on that walk. And it was not certainly a walk in the park. The initial five minutes were great with the sun behind the curtain of clouds and the breezy wind which looked like it was breathing life into me. But out came the sun, out went the breeze and the sultry humidity returned making most of the walk bearable at best.
And just I was complaining to myself for most of my walk that this is a skip walk and stayed home kind of day, the sun went behind the clouds and the breeze returned for a final ten minutes of enjoyable glory.
The walk just mirrored the ups and downs of my life… at least the best part was I earnt my chemicals and hormones for the day that might allow me to counter my sleepless night and make a game of the day… today!