Yesterday, I wrote about being in the depth of despair. And yet, here I am trying to write an email newsletter on Substack each day. So what is the connection?
People write for a variety of reasons. Some say writing improves their writing. For some, it helps with their learning and evolving process. And for some, there is no reason at all. An for others, just the pleasure, and joy of writing. And for some like one of my favorite’s Seth Godin, they write each day to create a movement of change with their writing.
For me, I am looking to do two things. One is to break free of being myself. That means I have to figure out what I would want to be and do, and also figure out what utility can I generate for myself, in order to survive and thrive. Utility, really? That is a tall order, but indeed that is my goal.
Why writing? It is not that I am not able to write. I can do some writing. As these small pieces of work show. However, my writing is not about writing at all. It is about creating. I believe that I am a creative person. In fact, I believe that each one of the 7 billion people on this planet are equally creative, but are unenabled genii. But these creations of ideas and perspectives have been dying within me. So, I want to start shipping them to see if it might be useful to some people in any way to add to their perspectives in order to trigger them to do something with it.
Writing in fact is one form of shipping my ideas and perspectives. I would be trying experiments with other forms that I am not equally competent of, just like writing. Drawings, videos, podcasts, and perhaps one day whole books.
So, I endeavor to write everyday. And this writing chain is now 2 days old.