Talking of balancing priorities which I just wrote about yesterday, I read this harrowing tale that offered my perspective on work-life balance through another person’s lens. It moved me to read this but human as I am, I often mull over these for a few days and then back to the status quo of who I used to be.
The usual suspects that end up working to justify the lack of change include:
It was an outlier event
I shall get to it or start tomorrow
It won’t happen to me (this or a different version of it)
I am infallible
I will sort life in due time
I will hit a milestone and then get to stabilizing life to what I need it to be
I am special
<add your own excuses here>
<and here>
<and here>
Opinion: A Portland father reflects on the sudden loss of his son -
It is later than you think -
All that remains -