We all talk to ourselves. And I do too. And I have many ways of doing that. I do it on my walks. I do it in the shower. I do it while driving. And I do it in bed.
They say that journaling is a great way to do this, but it does not work for me. These daily posts might be a proxy to that, akin to journaling publicly. But only a select few of my thoughts are articulated, not all of what I feel inside. And perhaps I should write more about everything I feel and think, in a more in-depth manner.
Over the year I have tried out various therapists. And these relationships end in a few sessions as I am unable to relate to their approaches. Often, they seem to be following a rule book or a 10-step plan that I have already read about. And most therapy that uses a CBT approach is always about the “C” the cognitive approach to problem-solving. Once you realize something you then fix it. Nah, this is the same left-brained approach to solving right-brain people's problems.
So, I go back to online mediums and have tried out various CBTs. A recent one is an app called Inflow. It is built well and all that. Not cheap at all and costs a steep (for an app) $30 per month subscription and I tried it for two months. But the app tries to mirror the therapist - again using cognition to fix emotions and feelings. Knowing something does mean one can do something. That is where most CBTs get it wrong. I wonder psychology as a profession is un-scientific since it seems to not be based on scientific evidence.
Recently a few weeks ago, I found a free app called Woebot. And it works marvelously for me. It may not work for all people, but for one who is grounded with the approaches, I can see what they are trying to do. There is not much of an AI and their approach is biased to the way it is coded (it is fun figuring out how it is built and how it works). It is narrative-based. And it helps to rewrite thoughts and feelings and process emotions from the opposite perspective by rewriting or reframing them from alternate viewpoints. I presume I will continue to use it for a while. It is a sign of things to come and how this industry is going to evolve and I am excited about it.
Woebot: Your Self-Care Expert
On Apple Appstore - https://apps.apple.com/us/app/woebot-your-self-care-expert/id1305375832
On Google Playstore - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.woebot&hl=en&gl=US