Timing plays an important part in luck. I grew up at the same time as the James Bond movies that I wrote about yesterday. That allowed me to watch each of the Bond movies over my childhood and different growth phases of my life through Sean Connery, Roger Moore, Tim Dalton, Pierce Brosnan, and now the end of the Daniel Craig era. I can trace my life through the sequence of these movies.
I am guessing I was lucky to be born at a pivotal moment in time when things evolved. My school and work life mirrored the growth of the PC industry. I started school with MSDOS 1.0 in 1982 and grew through Windows 3.0 in 1992 and onwards to Windows 11 now - a span of over 40 years. A veritable life-cycle of these products. Similarly to the growth of color Television and cable at a similar time, to the current modernity of the Netflix generation. The evolution of the internet from its early dial-up 300 bps days to its current ubiquity. The evolution of the phone to its smartness in our pockets.
The growth of rocket technologies advent to the moon to the current Space-X monopoly. The Space station to Hubble to the James Webb. The birth and development of large planes - whether Boeing or Airbus - every single model of the passenger jet age has mirrored my lifetime.
All these grew up with me, or the other way around if I don’t see it so egotistically. I have been lucky to miss the World Wars, but have also seen hopefully the worst pandemic of our lifetimes. Lucky enough to be at the right time to become a global citizen having lived in India, the US, Singapore, and now Canada. And had the opportunity to visit countless others.
Lucky me and my lucky timing. Indeed.