One of my recent watches on Netflix was the movie “The God Committee” a story of how a recipient is chosen to receive a heart transplant. Depending on where one lives there are different approaches that are taken on how these allocations of organs are handled.
It is obvious that there are always a variety of influences using power, order, money, and politics which change the order of recipients and who receives which organ and when. There was a furor over how Steve Jobs got a kidney in Texas when other potential recipients raised issues on how they might have been bypassed by the process.
I recently wrote about the fact of how we might look at the world as a just world and that might be one of the most impactful fallacies that one might have. These kinds of movies raise the awareness of social issues in how we look at, understand, and evolve morals, rights, laws, and justice in various areas and were helpful for me to look at through these various lenses.