Yesterday I left you with this hypothesis:
“Humans are built to take advantage (to survive) in two dimensions - the moral and the immoral.”
Let me expand on it. From the historical patterns, I am able to observe that humans in most cases as they evolved are moral beings. However, a small sub-segment of the population has always taken advantage of a larger segment of the population.
Whether be it monarchy, religion, laws, rules, contracts, economics, markets - every one of these constructs has evolved in the guise of making it equal for most people. But, essentially have been constructed to give certain people an unfair advantage.
I, therefore, categorize people using a moral-immoral matrix and see where the four types fit on this spectrum.
The totally moral - these might be a small outlier if such a category exists at all. Based on our design as humans, it is impossible for someone to be totally moral in every situation and every context. One consciously wants to be moral here and struggles with themselves to maintain this state of morality.
The mostly moral - these are the general population, the ones who want to be moral, but are willing to bend or cross the rules based on the situation in order to take advantage. The immorality could be unconscious or subconscious.
The mostly immoral - there are a lot of them here. Big business (executive and senior management team), lawyers, and politics thrive in this space. Law and regulation favor the business rather than the common man. So here in this category, there is a lot of pretending to be moral, but carefree immoralism. Kind of a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Want to look like doing good, but people who do “Whatever it takes”
The totally immoral - a clear class that could include the organized crime and the drug trade, a lot of monarchs and dictators ruling by diktat, the mafia and would include various business (executive and management) and politicians who are outright there to take advantage of the systems, the rules, and the law in any way to their extreme advantage. At least, there is no pretending here in this group. They clearly know that what they are doing is not right, but have a plan to do it anyway.
“Humans are built to take advantage (to survive) in two dimensions - the moral and the immoral.” and each one of us lie somewhere in this spectrum”
Humans can be classified into four broad types in this spectrum:
The totally moral
The mostly moral
The mostly immoral
The totally immoral
So what utility does this all serve? I shall extend this concept to model some human class systems tomorrow.