The TY beanies were in the news. I read that one platypus was sold for $6,000 and another one for $10,000. What? Unbelievable.
Why Beanie Baby Patti the Platypus is Worth $6,000
My spouse told me that I had bought some of these toys in the 90s for my kids during my first trip to the USA. And that she had saved them somewhere.
We could be rich if we have a few, we thought. And then my wife was able to find the toys. And, behold they were all made in 1998. And the toys in question that were valuable were made in 1992 or early 1993. A few years earlier.
Yet, these toys we still have are 25 years old. So perhaps in another 10-25 years or more, we might still hit the jackpot and these might be valued more than they are now. But for now, they are going on eBay for $30. Bummer.
Yet, it was joyous for a few minutes enjoying the possibility of what might have been, though short-lived.