Life teaches strange lessons in lots of little things we do. And if we look closely we can learn the nature of the universe from them.
My daughter is an avid Instagram poster. As a hobby, nothing mainstream, and her posts include a lot of pictures and reels about our dog and his shenanigans. Some posts garner a lot of attention. Sometimes they get multiple thousands of views with a large number of likes and sharing. Sometimes, similar posts don’t get any views at all. Including what she considers her better and more creative work.
Luck plays a major role. Time of day, day of the week, who was present and watched it, who hit like and shared are all complex events playing out in real-time. Our learning from it is that we put in the effort and leave the results to the masses. Especially in this kind of social construct.
If one wants more results, then one needs to understand the game, the way the game needs to be played - leading to building deep expertise to overcome a casual player. You need to be top of the game. And who plays at the top of this game keeps evolving. Like moods. Like a change in seasons.
Such is life. And these are one of the ways in which we can learn life lessons from.