Weekly Summary Edition #3
June 28 - July 5, 2021: The Gig Economy, Organizational Philosophy, & Creating Results
Outcome, not Hours: A Sign of Things to Come July 5, 2021 https://www.2agility.work/outcome-not-hours/
What’s your Organizational Philosophy? July 4, 2021 https://www.2agility.work/whats-your-organizational-philosophy/
The Innovation Paradox in Governance Driven Regulated Companies July 3, 2021 https://www.2agility.work/the-false-dichotomy-of-innovation/
Flexarchy - Shifting the Balance July 2, 2021 https://www.2agility.work/flexarchy/
Specialists vs Generalists. Street Smarts vs Titles July 1, 2021 https://www.2agility.work/specialists-vs-generalists-street-smarts-vs/
The Gig Economy & Management by Raw Metrics June 30, 2021 https://www.2agility.work/the-gig-economy-and-management-by-metrics/
Scale is Depth, Depth is Scale June 29, 2021 https://www.2agility.work/scale-is-depth/
All Estimates are Wrong, Some are Useful June 28, 2021 https://www.2agility.work/all-estimates-are-wrong-some-are-useful/
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