I am continuing the modeling I started yesterday, where I started with a simple hypothesis that all “Humans are Creative”.
Today, I am going to hypothesize on what moves humans. What makes them thrive and be the best they can be? And what can one do to make anyone better?
Here are some thoughts on what moves humans:
Humans thrive when they are “seen” and “heard”. Be acknowledged for who they are. Listened to (whatever the crap they may be spewing out)
Humans thrive when their creativity is acknowledged. Whatever they are creative at. And whatever one calls creativity. The ability for them to perform the “creative act” and be acknowledged for it, makes them experience “joy”.
Humans thrive in connection, not formal but informal. The act of being connected, more than the acknowledgment from the connections. The perceived thought of being heard and seen by the connections. And the ability to “display” human creativity in front of other such humans and feel heard, feel seen and feel acknowledged.
What more about you add to this list? Do you think that any other primary drivers that move humans at a first-principles level?
Hugs maybe? Do hugs move humans? Hugs, anyone?
Now, I know that I am reducing humans into a few things, but that is what models are - reductionist approaches to explain something about our worlds. So hang in there with me, as I muddle through this modeling journey.
Principles of Cognitive Creative Flow metamodel:
Section 1: Humans
All Humans are creative, period. No exceptions.