Monday, July 25, 2022
I read this quote which set the wheels inside my head into rapid motion.
I am not my memories. I am my dreams.
— Terry Hostetler, American Entrepreneur
Dreams are certainly important. But without memories, there are no dreams. Dreams don’t appear in a vacuum. The patterns matched and the connections in our dreams are a culmination of what we know. Therefore memories are important.
Dreams alone again make a person. Over my lifetime I have been dreaming. I am the biggest dreamer I know. Duh. But only the dreams that led to action had a chance to even try. And from all the action only a very few make it. And along the way a few of the actions that had no dreams also made it. That might be considered hard work. Or in some cases importantly luck and timing, two elements I wrote about just yesterday.
Make memories. Dream. Act. Believe in yourself. Ignore your failures. Keep trying. Luck will come by. The impact of timing will be known in retrospect when you look back. Persist. And while at it make your own meaning and make peace with what you get.
All of this makes you, you - not certainly just your dreams.