Sitemap - 2021 - One little anthro
The rise of the inattention economy
Seasonal beliefs that drive cultures
Why do we transcribe thoughts?
Star-studded planetary stories
"Work-life balance" to "Life's work"
Words have meaning, or do they?
Opinion is the root of most misery
Adaptable, nimble, and flexible
Should we have a purpose for everything?
The lush grass is going to sleep
Don't let anyone engineer who one should be and what one should do!
Practice and learn before you need it
What's your favorite travel story?
The power of collective choice
Do one thing every day that scares you
Blending, bending, and breaking
Experiential pathways to a good life
The Croc, the frog, the fish, and the dolphins
There is always more than it seems
Overcoming the sunk cost effect
The difficult is not difficult
On desire, happiness, and success
It's raining cats and dogs this July
Decisions from the unconscious
Am I acting wounded or celebrated?
Small moves. Big Payoffs. Needs beta testers
From fake news to fake everything
Reflection, imitation, or experience?
We are terrible at predicting the future
Dissecting James Clear (on Motivation)
No end to these horrible events
Quitters are more important than customers
Lessons in poignant simplicity
Are we all going to become miners?
The frontiers of understanding the brain
The cognitive overload of political correctness
Anxiety and depression are real
Picking the next listen (or read)
Don't Worry, He Won't Get Far on Foot
Class system: The strong and the weak
Can you really eliminate the non-essential?
Another census, brown-ness and...
Cleaning up the "email" overload
there are no context-free rules
Recovery: Art, craft, or science?
It's easier to learn when not forced to
Bloodied, bruised, and good to be back
Overcome blindness with metacognition
Never give in. Never, never, never, never...
Hope for the best, expect the worst...
Sometimes reaching your dream takes courage...
Owners, whiners, and also-ran's
Back to the future of "free will"
Battery tales and bruised egos
A time to live, a time to move on...
Experiments with sleep measurements
A picture is worth a thousand words
Of triangles, two by two squares, and ladders...
Customer behaviors and choices
The dichotomy of decision-making...
Crumbling user experiences part 1
Encourage proactive creative effort
Enhancing my life's perspectives
Limiting vs widening our perspectives...
Organizations are "Biased towards reaction"
The four elements of creative balance
Steganography and the nextgen internet
COVID-19: It ain't over until the fat lady sings
And yet we (mostly) won't! Because we're human
On language, thinking, and dreaming